How To Make Sure You Receive Your Emails From Dissertation Service
Nowadays many mail servers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are using a variety of restrictions and high-tech filtering devices so that you receive as little as 0% SPAM in your inbox. We completely agree that these technologies have helped us get away with this annoying factor but on the other hand they have increased the possibility of filtering some important and legitimate emails. They might prevent you from getting your emails from Dissertation Service , your trusted online companion for enhancing your educational profile.

To make it certain that you receive all emails from us, please add our email address [email protected] to your address book. For your convenience, we have given some useful information that will help you know more about adding our email address to your address book. Just click on your e-mail provider and view the details.

Other Service Providers
By following the simple instructions that are given below you can easily place [email protected] in your address book, if you are using AOL 9.0. You can also add [email protected] in your "People I know" list.
  1. Sign in to your AOL account. On the top of your screen, you will see the words "File," "Edit," "Mail," "Community," "Services," "Window," "Keyword," "Sign Off," and "Help."
  2. Click on the word "Mail."
  3. A dropdown list will appear. Click on "Address Book."
  4. You will see buttons labeled "Sent To," "Add," "Add Group," "Edit," and "Delete” at the bottom of the Address Book window.
  5. Click "Add."
  6. Copy and paste or type in [email protected] into the first "Other E-Mail" field.
  7. Click the "Save" button.
Check your AOL account right away.


By following the simple instructions that are given below you can easily place [email protected] in your address book, if you are using Yahoo.

  1. Open your Yahoo mailbox and sign in.
  2. Click on "Mail Options".
  3. Under the SPAM heading, click "Filters."
  4. Click "Add."
  5. There is a field titled "Filter Name:" Type "Dissertation Service."
  6. There is a field titled "From Header." Make sure "contains" is selected in the drop-down menu.
  7. There is a space right next to the drop-down menu. Type or copy and paste [email protected] into that space.
  8. There is a field titled "Move your message to:" Select "Inbox" from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click the "Add Filter" button.

By following the simple instructions that are given below you can easily place [email protected] in your address book, if you are using Hotmail.

  1. Log into your Hotmail account.
  2. Click "Options" in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click "Junk E-mail Protection."
  4. Click "Safe List."
  5. Enter “[email protected]” and click "Add."
Other Service Providers

Add [email protected] to your address book or contact list. If you are unable to find the contact list or it isn’t there, contact your ISP’s support centre and inquire on how they can make it certain that the emails from the said address reach your inbox.